Sunday, April 17, 2011

Celebration of Life Chase Dupree

A Celebration of Life was held yesterday in Susanville, California for Chase Dupree.  It is sad to think that  such an event had to be planned, life is so unpredictable.  Everything seems to be going along just fine, then all of a sudden, something happens that turns your world upside down.  I know that my brother's family is hurting, trying to process in their minds the fact that they have lost a child.  This isn't a easy task, because it is just not natural and way too horrible to even imagine.

I did not attend the Celebration of Life, but Cathy, my sister-in-law, wrote that it was a success.  Balloons were released up into the heavens for Chase,  I am sure he was watching from above wishing he could take away the pain that everyone was feeling.  It is wonderful to have events like these for those of us who have lost a child, it hurts, but at the same time it is comforting to feel the love that radiates from everyone attending.  Chase was loved and he will be remembered by all who knew him, he left his imprint on this earth, even though he only resided here 13 years.  I hope everyone shared and keeps sharing stories about Chase to his family, this helps, to be reassured that his memory lives on with others.

Chase's family decided to donate his functioning organs to help others.  I cannot fathom how hard this would be, we didn't do this when my son died, but I think is one of the most selfless and generous gifts that can be given.  A part of Chase will live on physically in someone else, he has given another child the gift of life.  I am proud that my family had the strength and generosity to do this.  It speaks volumes of the character of this family.  Even in agony, they were able to see through the pain to help someone else.

I wasn't at the Celebration of Life for Chase, but he was on my mind all day yesterday and today.  I will think of Chase often, say a prayer for him to help his family through the days and years ahead.  I believe that he will find a way to let them know that his spirit lives on, I think he might have already have done this.  I know that Brandon gave me signs, some might think they were coincidences, but I know better, you soul can just feel it.

Chase has his wings now, he has family with him, a great grandmother, two great grandfathers and a young angel named Brandon to help him learn the ropes of heaven.  I know this doesn't help the family, because all they really want is Chase here with them.  But I know that I did find some a bit of peace knowing that when my dad passed, he would be with Brandon.  I know that in the end we will all end up together.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I received some horrible news this past week about my great nephew, Chase Dupree, and again I ask myself the question why horrible things have to happen.  Chase and his friend were chasing a squirrel near his home and it ran into a pipe.  So the boys picked up the pipe to get the squirrel and the pipe hit the electrical wire above on the pole.  This act sent an electrical shock into Chase and his friend.  Both boys were injured, Chase's friend was release from the hospital, but the damage from the shock has left Chase lying in a hospital bed hooked up to life support.

This thirteen year old boy and his family have been robbed of his future.  An accident that changed all of their lives within minutes.  I know the feeling, again I ask why do we have to suffer pain like this, why does life have to be so dfficult and why do we have to see our love ones suffer.  Chase has a loving family who is devastated, this family has been through so much trauma, I don't know why God would put any more on their shoulders to bear.

My heart aches for his mother, father,, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings and friends.  They have all been their by his bedside having to watch this young boy, who was full of life just days ago, now filled with tubes and machines keeping him alive.  The pain and trauma of this type of accident impacts everyone of them.  Why do people have to experience this?  Some say God never gives you more than you can bear, but at moments like these I question that statement.

This incident is another example how your life can change in just moments, for some of us we have to experience more pain than others it seems.  I also ask, why?  I know from my son's death that we learn lessons from pain, but I don't think it is fair and at times like these it makes me realize that we never know what we may have to face from day to day.

I wish I knew words to help my family members during this time, but I know from my own personal experience, that there are no words that can help.  The heart and soul is broken when we hear news like this, the pain is not only emotional but physical as well.  We seek answers to why this had to happen, but  there are no answer, no reason and we are left with pain.  I watched my family during my visit at the hospital and saw the same emotions that I went through.  Why is life so hard?  Why do we have to experience trauma and be expected to keep walking through life.  I still search for these answers.