Thursday, December 30, 2010

A New Year

The end of 2010 is near, what will the future hold for 2011.  I wish I had a crystal ball and could look into the future to see what is going to happen.  I feel a need to always be on alert, ready for something to happen.  This hasn't always been the way I have felt, but even since Brandon's death nothing seems to be the same for me.  I feel as if I have to prepare myself for the next ball to drop....on October 1, 2010 it did, another death I had to deal with, my father,  I tried to prepare myself for that, I had, but still I felt the pain of losing another person who I loved.  I miss him.....I miss Brandon, Brandon's death has prepared me for almost anything.  I lived through that...I know I can get through anything, except losing another child.  I couldn't ever do that again.  My emotions have been all over the place, probably because of the holidays, Brittni, Jay and I cannot experience the same joy that most people can, we have a big piece of our family puzzle missing.  I know it must be hard for people to understand, because it has been almost 9 years, in our society it seems as if most feel as if you must move on, you do, but the void is always there.  Since Brandon has died Brittni has become very emotional every Christmas, her emotions are conflicting, she is excited about the holiday, but then when it comes the pain of the loss is ever present.  Jay tries to be positive, but you can see the pain in his face too.  For me, I openly admit that I dread Christmas.  But I am going to try to look forward to the New Year.  I have some very important celebrations coming up....Brittni is graduating from college, I cannot believe it, I am so proud of her.  Tanner, my nephew, who is currently living at our house, will be graduating high school, he has worked hard to make up for some past mistakes, I knew he could do it.  This next year I will be working on myself, clear my mind from clutter that I allow others to cause.  Look forward to trying to find more peace, let go of negative energy, I do have trouble with this....I am sorry to admit.  I am happy with the person I am, I am flawed, damaged goods as I call myself, but that is okay, because I am a product of my life experiences both good and bad.  I am a work in progress and will try to use 2011 to better prepare myself for what is to come.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dreams of a Brighter Future

Another month has gone by, time flies, and here I am contemplating my life again.  We all get caught  up in our daily routines that sometimes we stop dreaming of our future.  Life is not easy, I believe this to be true for everyone, even those we think have a perfect life I am sure they have had some hard times in one way or the other.  I am probably a bit unique on what I want for my future.  I don't want to live the status quo life that most of us end up living, I want to experience new things, new cultures and out of the ordinary experiences, but here I sit on my computer writing this blog instead of going out and making my dream a reality.  Maybe that is all it really is, a dream.  I need to find the courage to explore my possibilities, my life has had more than its share of pain, maybe that is why I feel the need to live my life in a different way than most.  I need to be more proactive with living my dream, but is it frightening, we all get so caught up in our  day to day life and for most change is difficult.  But you know, the only one that can make my dreams of a future come to light is me.  Yes, I have others that I need to take into consideration, that is what I have always done, put their needs above my own.  I think is just my nature and my priority has and will never be myself, first and foremost, it is my daughter.  She is 21 years old now, an adult, but still my baby and always will be.  I realize because of my son's death that children are our most precious gift we can receive here on earth, at least for me.  She has her own life to live, but every idea that I have about my own life I think of how it will affect her.  Brittni still suffers emotionally from the trauma she has lived through, I feel that I need to protect her from anything that will cause her more pain.  This isn't reality because life is all about joy and pain.

I want to live near the ocean, where I can hear the crashing waves, because this is calming to me.  I would like to try a more simple life with less stress.  Everyday I would like to take a moment to really look at nature, the sunset, the ocean, the birds and appreciate what we were given, instead of worrying about everything.  This is probably something everyone would like to have, most of us think is isn't possible, but I believe that if there is a will there is a way.  I am sure that we have to give up some things to attain others and change is difficult.  It is hard to change habits and lifestyles that we have had for years, but sometimes I believe it is necessary to find our true self.

I am going to start writing down a list of what I need to do to make my life more peaceful, that is a start and then decided what items on the list is really a possibility, because I know some on the items will not be possible for me, I know that even before I start.  Maybe I need to find a way to let go of what I think I should do and learn to act more on what I want to do.  This is easy to say, but hard to do.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tribute to My Father

I spoke at my father's funeral, along with my two brothers.  It was such a great tribute to our father, he was a great dad.  I wanted to share my words on my blog,  so anyone who reads it can see how lucky I was to be blessed with my father for 52 years.

I feel so lucky to have had Cleo Seabourn as a father.  He gave me the gift of unconditional love, no matter what I did; I always knew that he would be there for me.  He was generous and always willing to help his children, wanting to make sure we were all okay.  He was a one of a kind, I am so proud of him.  Later in life he would ask me if he had done all he could have for us kids, with tears in his eyes, you could see how important that question was.  I think he sometimes doubted himself, but there was never a reason he should have. I was his baby girl, he made me feel special, appreciated, loved and as my brothers can attest to, spoiled.  My brothers were a source of pride for my dad, he taught them how to do everything, and he was a jack-of-all-trades.  He sometimes gave them a hard time, I think it was because they were boys and he wanted them to be a little rough and tough.  But his love was just as strong, always there to lend a helping hand to them when needed in any way he could.

He had three granddaughters, Vicki, Brandi and Brittni.  He loved each of these girls, there was never a day that went by when I was visiting that he didn’t ask how my daughter Brittni was doing, even when he grew so weak.  Vicki and Brandi are much older than my children, but I watched him with them and all the love he gave them.  Nothing would keep him from his grandchildren.  My son, Brandon was his buddy, even during the tough teen years, my father had such a positive influence on him, always patient and kind, when everyone else had been tested.  They all loved their grandpa. His love carried on to his great grandchildren, he had only four grandchildren, but ten great-grandchildren. My father was also a dedicated husband, who pushed through his pain on a daily basis to be at home to help my mother with Alzheimer’s.  Even during the last days of his life, his first priority was my mother.

Cleo Seabourn was a great man, the best in my eyes, and I do thank God for giving me the opportunity to be his daughter. He instilled in our family a bond, honesty and taught us to stand up for what we believe.  Family was important no matter what was going on, he loved it we were all together.  We had wonderful Christmas together, and my dad’s eye would light up seeing everyone together.  Thank you dad for teaching me the lessons of life that are really important, family, hard work, pride in yourself and loyalty.  Family is meant to help one another in times of need, that is what is right and this was taught by watching him.  I hope those of us left behind carry on this lesson.  Thank you dad for giving me the love and nurturing that I needed growing up, you were the best father a girl could have had. I love my dad and always will.  And the last thing I ask of you dad, is to do me one more favor, take care of Brandon for me, since you had to leave us, I am thankful that you are with him, buddies together again.  The time has come for you to go home and enjoy heaven with all your loved ones; we will see you there.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Finding Strength in Sadness

I feel as if there are times that I just want all of my memories to go away, so I don't have to think of what I am missing.  Of course this isn't the answer, if that were to happen then I would be just empty and not be able to remember all of the good in my life.  Sometimes my mind just thinks crazy things, I look at pictures and struggle to remember every detail of that moment, because the person in the photo isn't here any more. My father's death has brought on thoughts of my son's death, which isn't really anything that new because I think of Brandon always, the difference is it makes me realize again that life is short.  We don't say I love you enough to the people who matter to us.  We never realize that every conversation we have with them could be our last.  You really don't think this way normally, I even now don't always process this.  But when I take a moment to quiet my mind and think about life, I know all of us need to let the ones we love know.

My trauma has given me strength and I guess it was one of my life lessons that I was suppose to learn, I don't like it, but it is the hand I was dealt.  I don't cope that well, I find that it is easier for me to feel angry, it is my way to protect myself I think.  I have been told that this isn't healthy, I know it isn't, I think it is just that when you heart hurts you want to replace that feeling with another emotion, because it is sometimes easier.  I know it must be hard to understand this concept, because we are meant to view life as full of promise and joy, there are those times, but once who have been shattered, it is harder to put yourself back together and feel optimistic.  I am working on in daily, there are times that it is easier than others.  Today is a day that my thoughts have turned inward and my heart is aching.  I want what I do not have and I cannot do one thing about it.  So I need to refocus my mind, to more positive and important things, I will think of Brittni and all the promise her life holds.  I will think about what I have to look forward in my future.  I will make a mental note to think about what I want out of life and try to achieve it to the best of my ability.

I want a change, don't want to just do what everyone does, I find myself wanting to be adventurous, I need to let myself fulfill these yearnings.  So I will try to lay out a plan and follow it.....I want to live my life on my terms.  I need to just find the strength to do so.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Another Reason to Grieve...But Also Another Reason to Find Faith

Yesterday, my father lost his battle to stay alive for my mother.  His birthday is Sunday, he would have been 90 years old.  But his body just couldn't continue, his spirit always was strong and now it is free from the prison it was held by his deteriorating body.  I know that he is now in no pain and in a much better place than this earth.  I wish I was completely positive of this, it is hard for me to believe in what I cannot see, but I do have faith, just sometimes it gets tested.  I have to believe that my dad and my son are now together again, what a great welcome I am sure Brandon gave my dad and I am sure was dad elevated to see him.  Death is a strange thing, we all know that we will one day die, but when it hits, even if we feel we are somewhat prepared for it, the pain still stings.  I know that I must be selfish because I don't want to lose my family, not because they are not ready to move on, but because I don't want them to leave me.  But death is a reality of life, we cannot control how or when it will come.

My father was a blessing for me, gave me unconditional love, for which I am very blessed to have experienced.  I was his baby, his only daughter, in his eyes I was perfect....that felt good.  In my eyes, my father was a man that no other has ever lived up to, my hero.  He had a way about them that made me feel warm and secure, even during the dark days of my son's death.  I would go speak with him and somehow it would make me feel better.  He loved me and it showed.  Brandon adored my dad and he felt the same way.  Always ready to help me with him in his unruly teenage days, always reassured me that everything was going to be okay.  Then when Brandon died, my father just wondered "why did he have to be him and not me".  My dad's time on this earth wasn't finish at that moment, he had more lessons to teach us.  He taught me to try to accept my son's death, he felt the pain as strong as I did, but still he kept his faith that we would all see him again and that he was with God.  Now I have to reach deep in my soul and find that same faith, because my dad isn't here to tell me that any longer.  I hope that  I have learned that lesson well enough to search within myself and find that surety.

I hate that I had to go to his house yesterday to see his body lying on the floor lifeless, covered with a blanket.  That is another memory that is now seared in my mind that I don't want to have.  I hate that I feel that same feeling of numbness that I felt right after Brandon's death, it is a weird feeling, you know you are sad, but your body just seems to not really know if it is ready to give in to those feelings, I guess it is a way of self preservation.  Shock is what it is categorized as, I should not be shock that my father died, he was ill, but still I find myself in shock.  I tried to prepare but I don't know how, I have to find the strength to let myself feel and think about my dad, instead of myself.  He has to be happier now, not stuck in a chair not being able to do anything.  So weak that it was a chore for him to just sit up and watch tv, much less eat.  He tried his best to stay here, to help my mother who has Alzheimers, but he just couldn't do it any longer.  I need to let my mind think about the reunion he is having in heaven, all of his own siblings are there, his mother and father, his grandson and how his spirit is soaring.  I will keep this mental picture in my head, try not to let the bad thoughts in, but that is hard for me.  I am going to try through, because that is what my dad would have wanted me to do.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Today, my husband just left to meet two of my son's friends for lunch.  One of the friends will be getting married in two weeks.  I hate my initial reaction to opening up the invitation.  At first glance my mind went to the thought that I should be able to experience an event like this with my son, Brandon.  But I will not have the chance, he is dead.  I felt angry because I had been robbed of seeing my son grow into a man with a future in front of him.  I know I shouldn't feel this way, life goes on for everyone and I should not be angry because of an event of a friend or relative.  I think that it might be a normal reaction for people who have lost children, or maybe it is just me.  I am happy for my son's friends who are living their lives and looking forward to a bright future.  I just wish Brandon and myself, I know that sounds selfish, had those experiences to look forward to.  I often say that my heart if broken, maybe even a bit dark, because I cannot seem to look at things with the joy that others do.  I hate that about myself, I wish I could be more positive and let go of some of my pain, maybe then I could fix my heart, instead of never being able to be put it back together again.  I do find joy in life, just in a different way than most, it is as if my emotions are a bit numb.  I believe that is because I feel that I cannot let myself completely feel happiness and contentment, because as soon as I do, I am afraid that something will happen to take that away.  The day before Brandon died I remember thinking to myself, my life is good right now and I am in a place that I like, I was optimistic about the future.  Then that night I get the call that Brandon had been in a car accident and was much for my optimistic future.  This has caused me to guard myself, I am afraid that as soon as I think everything is going to be okay, something horrible will happen.  I know this isn't a good way to think, but I cannot help myself.  I feel I am always waiting for the next horrible event to happen, as on edge to prepare myself for survival.  I need to learn to take what life has to throw at me better, and believe me I have had plenty thrown at me besides my son's death.  But nothing compares to that event, so I guess I should look at future with a different perspective.  I have lived through the death of my child, from what I know to this day, nothing could be worst than that.  So I need to not worry about the next event of my life so much, because I have survived so far.  I want to try to teach myself to enjoy my days more, cherish what I do have and live my life to the fullest.  The only problem is that it is much easier said than done.  But I will try......if not for myself but for my daughter, who has a bright future ahead of her and she deserves a mother who can enjoy that future and not be so broken.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Life Goes On

Today is my 52nd birthday, where has the time gone.  It is strange to think that I have lived more than half my life already.  Life goes by so fast, I think you realize that as you get older and look back.  Maybe that is why as you age I believe you get much more wise.  Life experiences, both good and bad, form the person that you are and of course as you age you have more experiences, therefore you have learned from all of the events that have occured and this gives you more knowledge.  Sometimes society feels as if the old do not really have much to offer, but in reality they have more experience with every year they have lived and if we were smart we would listen and value their opinions much more than our current society does.  The have learned many lessons along the way.  As I get older I realize my body and mind is changing, that scares me, I don't want to feel old, it is weird to think that I have less time ahead of me than the time that I have behind me.  I have been blessed and also I have lived through my own hell, I hope that I will take the lessons that I have learned from all my experiences and apply them in a positive way for the coming years.  I miss my son, my daughter (thank God she is still here on this earth), my mother (not the same woman I grew up with because she is now stricken with Alzheimers), my dad (who health has deteriorated to the point that he cannot even walk alone).  I have lived through the death of my son, my living hell, but today I looked at pictures of my life and have to say that I have had some great moments.  The best of those moments spent with my family, my children my gift from God, they were and are the most important part of my life.  When I was in 20's, 30's, and 40's my life seemed normal, of course there were times of stress, but as I look back I was very lucky. I thank God for those years and I just wish that I knew at the time really how lucky I was and enjoyed those moments more.  My mid-forties were horrible, my life as I knew it feel apart, I loss my as I had known it would never be the same, still isn't, never will be.  But now that I am in my 50's I am trying to look at all of the challenges that I have had and try to learn from them, appreciate the ones I love more, live life in a more simple way, stay focused on what is really important, learn that I need to look forward to the upcoming years because I know that I will be more wise with each year, so I need to believe more in myself and as usual for me not pay attention to what others say.  I am becoming a wise elder, that is something to celebrate.

Friday, August 20, 2010

PTSD - I thought only solider got it

Post traumatic stress disorder is a term I have heard in reference to veterans who have been mentally scared from battle. But as I was informed by my therapist that anyone who has suffered a trauma in their life can suffer from it. I found this to be the case for me. My son's death has left me with some of the same characteristics that I see in my brother, who is a Vietnam vet. I didn't understand his behavior until I myself have had some of the same symptoms. Sometimes there are times when I just feel overwehlmed with life in general, crowds make me nervous and I have the feeling that I must flee my surrounding sometimes. It is hard to explain this to someone who has never felt this way because it is as if you just lose control of your own behavior, your subconcience mind takes control, sending you in a state of panic. My mind replays things over and over, horrible things about my sons death that I don't want to relive, but cannot help but do so. Little things that make the trauma surface again and right now for the last week I have been thinking about cleaning out Brandon's room. Yes it has been over 8 years and it has been left untouched, but I feel it is time to clean it out, but my mind keeps going back to the day we picked out his bedroom furniture. The salesman was giving us the sales pitch that the furniture was of good quality, solid wood and would last him years, even into marriage. Brandon was with me this day and I let him pick out his furniture. I would have never thought that the furniture would out live/last my son's life, but it has. For the past two weeks this thought has passed my mind more than once daily, the words the saleman spoke that day, I never imagined that those words would make me feel so sad. How can this be that this furniture is here, but Brandon is not....I don't understand and again my mind just keep replaying these words. I see a child with blonde hair and instantly my mind goes to a small boy with beautiful blonde hair that was mine and now he is gone. These children always bring a image of my son to me again reminding me that a part of my heart is missing and will never return. There are times like right now tonight that I am so tired but my mind is racing with thoughts of my son and I cannot sleep. PSTD causes floods of panic to run through your body when memories are triggered by something and it can be just the smallest thing. I remember right after Brandon died being in the grocery store, I saw corn dogs, he loved me to buy corn dogs, after this sighting I felt that panic, it is a strange feeling that manifested in me making me wanting to flee, so that is what I did that day got out of the store as fast as I could, my heart pounding, feel anxious and just hurting all over. I still have issues with crowds, I feel stifled as if I cannot take all of the energy that their bodies emit and again feel that I have to get away. Maybe this explains why I enjoy so much going away from my home, too many memories, always wanting to run away hoping that the change of scenery will make vivid pictures go away, at least for a small amount of time. I cannot tolerate people who don't really understand the gift they have been given who have children. Yes they can be exasperating, but let me tell you the alternative of them not being here to drive you crazy is much worst of a hell than all the trouble they give you. I know this is something no one can understand until they have been standing in the shoes that a walk in everyday. The trauma that I have suffered from my son's death has given me a much clearer picture of the value of children no matter how crazy they make you, because believe me if something happens to them that makes them not here to drive you crazy, will actually make you crazy. That is the way I feel at times crazy, trying to sort out all the thoughts in my mind and make sense why this has happened. I found no solutions, I am a practible person wanting the answers and trying to figure out why things have to happen the way they do. I cannot rationlize why my son had to die and that makes my mind go over and over the events of my son's death, which then makes me stressed, my nervous system has never been one of the strongest of my features, now I feel it is just shot.....trying to remember things that happened when my son was small, visualizing what he would look like now and what he would be doing. Obsessing over why this had to happen, reliving the day, the moments after I heard the news, the funeral, the calls, the days that followed when I found myself only able to get up, get my daughter to school and just lie on the couch feeling as if my blood had been drained from my body, everything was an effort to do. Now after 8 years at 11:00 at night my mind still plays the same conversations over and over that my son and I had so many years ago. Maybe I am not far from insanity, because sometimes I feel as if I am right at the edge and I have to pull myself back to reality. PTSD takes away a zest for life, because you have lived through a nightmare and the nightmare continues and will do so for the rest of your life. So in closing, this is another lesson I have learned that we can never judge a person and saying that they just need to get over it, because if it was that simply, those of us who suffer from PTSD and trauma would surely choose to do so, so we would be able to find that peace that I am looking for but still having trouble finding. So now I know how uncontrollable PTSD can be, your mind simply takes over and throws all of fears and hurts right back at you and all you can do is relive them and hope that they become less with time, I myself cannot see this as the case, but maybe this is where need to read more of the Bible to find out how the people of this period lived through so much, but survived. I think because of their faith it gave them the strength to deal with all of the issues. I need to do the same.

Monday, August 16, 2010


I just got off chatting on facebook with my neighbor and was told that our other neighbor's mother, who is a sweet, loving woman, is losing her battle with cancer. It makes me think about the pain that accompanies death. All of the people who love the person dying is having to go through the steps to watch their loved one move on from this life on earth to another. I have to think that the ones here left on earth are the unlucky ones. We have to finish our life with a void created from the death, along with that comes emotional pain, wondering if we did everything we should have for that person and then we have to deal with all of the emotions that come with it for the rest of our lives. I choose to believe that when it is our time to exit this earth we will be going on to a place which is radiated with love, all sadness, pain, anger and emptiness is filled with nothing but happiness. We get to be reunited with the ones that we have lost before it was our time to leave and move on. This has to be a joyous moment, then we know that all that we have endured during our life on earth led up to this and it has to feel like complete nirvana. I often wonder if those who pass on can look down on all of us here on earth grieving their loss and thinking, I wish they knew how wonderful it is here and know that I am fine and will be waiting for them when they arrive. I have to think this way to make the pain from losing my son bearable and prepare me for the loss of those who I love that go on before me. I hope that when it is my time I will be able to send a sign to my love ones that I am okay and give them some peace. I think my son Brandon has done that, I just need to pay attention and believe, not question these signs. I feel for all of us who are left here on this planet to suffer the loss of our family, friends and others that we have met on the road of life. I just have to believe that there will come a time when we all meet again and we will find out why we had to learn the life lessons we did here and all of our questions be answered. I pray for the family of my neighbor, I know they will miss their mother, grandmother and even great-grandmother, but I am sure she will be reunited with her husband watching over all of them.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thinking of my children

Right now as I sit in our condo in Mexico my thoughts are on my children. My daughter is on her way home from a great summer trip, Semester at Sea, she has been gone 58 days and will be home in 7 days, I cannot wait to see her. I missed her this summer, this is the time she is usually home from college and I feel whole again with her at home. Still even in this beautiful place located right on the ocean, my heart aches for my son. The ocean does seem to give me some of the peace that I seek. The sound of the waves crashing have a tranquil affect on me. Why is it that woman who become mothers are always change from the moment that their baby is born? I think children are life's greatest treasure, our legacy to the world. It is with this thought that I hope that I have given my children what the needed as they grew up, they know I love them, maybe I don't say the words often enough, but I know they know. I should learn to verbalize my love more, because I know that I wish I would have with my son, but our time ran out too soon. My daughter is my world, I don't know if this is good or bad....she has her own life to live and I don't want to be a burden for her. I know she feels that she has to make up for the loss that our family has suffered, that is a big burden to carry, she misses her brother and also feels she has to do everything right to help her parents. I cannot explain in words the depth of my pain when I think about my son. My mind wanders to all kinds of things, something I hear on television can bring up horrible images in my mind, the other day a character on tv mentioned "only a bag of bones in a box" referring to a dead person. As soon as I heard these words my mind flashed to the day I had to see my son laying in his casket, I just couldn't handle it, I feel to my knees not wanting to believe my eyes....this image automatically came up when I heard the quote above, then I just thought of the bones in the casket that was once my son, as I write this tears fill my eyes and I sharp piercing pain hits my heart. It is hard to explain how emotional pain can cause physical pain, but I know it is possible because it happens to me, just like at this moment. I wonder if there will ever be a time when this ends, I doubt it. But I have to stay tough and learn to enjoy the time I have with my daughter, again trying to look past my pain to a brighter tomorrow. Why is it so hard? I wish I had the answer so I could solve my dilema.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Aging Parents

A Daughter Anticipating Life Without Her Father

As a child and even as an adult I was always afraid of my parents dying, now my father who is 89 years old has deteriorated to the point where death would be a blessing, but still my selfishness shows it's ugly head and I don't want him to pass on, because of the pain it will cause me. At 43 years old I found first hand the pain that death brings to those who loved the departed. My son, Brandon died in a car accident and my whole world changed. So I do know how I will feel when my father passes on, but I also should be able to find peace in the fact that he will be with my son, that will be a wonderful reunion, they both loved each other immensely. But again I think of how I will feel, having to go through that turmoil of grieving, attending the funeral, which will be held at the same place my son's funeral was held. Going to the grave, where my son lies in a plot next to where my parents will be buried, having to feel those emotions, not only the emotions of losing my father, but I know from experience that all of the pain of losing my son will resurface again. I let myself feel my emotions, instead of holding them inside, for me this is best, but not for those around me. All of the worry and pain comes out in so many ways, anger, sadness, and makes me hard to be around. I wish there was a magic wand that I could just wave and make everything okay. But this is life, we all have to live with the good, bad and ugly that is served up to us. It seems as if some have to suffer more than others, but I have to believe that these are lessons we are learning, no matter how painful, will make us stronger when we get through them. I want to learn to accept what happens, but my nature causes me to look for reasons, ask myself why did this happen or why is this happening to me. I understand that these are selfish feelings, maybe I am too self absorbed about how events affect me directly. But pain is something I have grown to live with everyday since my son died, I just don't know how much more I can carry.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Missing Brandon Today 7/17/2010

These are the times when I just wish you could come down from the sky and say “hi mom, don’t worry about me I am here in heaven doing just fine”. I sit here alone wondering why did you have to go. I worry still about the moments before your death, if you felt pain, if you saw your life flash before your eyes and if you were sorry that you were leaving. I want to believe that you felt no pain, saw the bright light and thought wow this is going to be a great new adventure and I hope you are happy in heaven. Because I know I am not happy here without you. I look at your baby pictures trying to remember each and every moment. In my mind I visualize what you would look like now, a man of 27 years old. Would you be married, have children, I see everyone else watching their children grow into adults. I didn’t have that gift, I just wish that those that have it would realize that it really is a gift and how miserable it would be if their children weren’t here no matter what the circumstances.

I do feel very in tune to the universe, but I want to learn to be more, maybe then all of what has happened will make more sense to me. I have anger, period, that I just cannot get rid of. I have jealousy of others who families are complete. I know it is wrong, but I cannot help but feel those feelings. I don’t forgive easily, maybe Brandon I am the one who needs your help from heaven. If you have any insight, please give me some sort of sign, place me at the top of God’s list of who needs help, because I don’t think God would be please with the person that I am.

I try to be strong, everyone thinks I am, but in reality I live in fear, because my heart has been broken and I know it will never fully heal. It has left me scared, I cannot see the joy in things that other people see, I think so many people live their lives in such a shallow way, because they don’t know what true pain really is, just go through life not realizing what is really important. I am jaded I know. I do know that my children, you and Brittni are the most important things in life to me. I lost you from this world that I am living in now, but I have Brittni, she is my light. But at the end of my life, I hope to see you standing there telling me how happy I am going to be in heaven. I would tell you that I was glad to be there to see you and that all my pain is now gone. I could tell you stories of what you missed here, but I know that compared to the stories about heaven you could tell me they wouldn’t be important. You could teach me how to achieve nirvana, because I think that heaven is the only place you can achieve that. I could look in your face and know that you have be okay from the time you left us, I hope that at when my time to die comes, I will realize that all of the pain of this life was worth every moment, if I have the chance to see you again in heaven, then I will know that everything is going to be okay.

But for now I sit here alone in this house, missing my son, thinking about your face, smile and your laugh. I am selfish I want you here with me, no matter if you are happier in heaven. I want you to see your sister, tell her everything is okay and make her life easier. I want you here to help his dad, who has been lost. I want Brandon Scott Wedel back with me, my son who I fought with daily, the one I thought that was so hard to handle, the son that I loved more than I even realized at the time. I try my best but there are dark days that I feel so helpless, missing you and feeling full of rage that you were taken from me. Not a good thing, I know, but it is how I feel.